
Cat in the Night

Cat in the Night

Readers Choice Logo

Named a “Children’s Choice” by the International Literacy Association and Children’s Book Council

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cover_savannaNational Science Teachers Association logo

Here is the African Savanna

Named an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council.

Here Is the Arctic Winter book cover

Here is the Arctic Winter

Selected a “Teachers’ Choice” by the International Reading Association. Named an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council. Awarded a “Critici in Erba Menzion” in Bologna, Italy.

.International Reading Association logoNational Science Teachers Association logo

Here Is the Coral Reef book coverNational Science Teachers Association logoreading rainbow logo

Here is the Coral Reef

Reviewed by Reading RainbowNamed an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council.

Here Is the Tropical Rain Forest book cover

Here is the Tropical Rainforest

National Science Teachers Association logoNamed an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council.

Here Is the Wetland book cover

Here is the Wetland

National Science Teachers Association logo Named an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council.

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Here Is Antarctica

Here is Antartica

Received a Nautilus Book Award for best children’s picture book.

Nautilus Book Award
At Home with the Gopher Tortoise

At Home with the Gopher Tortoise

Named an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12” by the National Science Teachers Association / Children’s Book Council. Awarded the 2011 Medal for Environmental Issues by the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards.