About Madeleine Dunphy
Madeleine Dunphy’s books have been published by Hyperion Books for Children, Millbrook Press, and her own publishing company, Web of Life Children’s Books—a publishing company devoted to publishing picture books about the environment. Madeleine is also a teacher, activist and mother.
Madeleine has taught special programs at the California Academy of Sciences, Lawrence Hall of Science, Museum of Children’s Art and at dozens of elementary schools in northern California and abroad. She has a BA in anthropology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a MA in education from Mills College.
Madeleine has traveled extensively to research her various books. Her travels include visiting the mountain gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, camping out in the Amazon rain forest in Peru, visiting Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and scuba diving with sea turtles in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
Madeleine lives in Oakland, California. To learn more about Madeleine, read her article Everything is Connected in Mackin Community.
You can contact her at mdunphy@mdunphy.com.